Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Just like every word in our language, 'zocalo' has creeped into our tongue by way of another. In this case, from a Spanish word that refers to a central town square or plaza; a gathering place. The eponymous coffee shop is one of my favourite in Courtenay, not least for the comfortable seats and free WiFi. And as I was sizing up my macchiato today, I browsed wikipedia's coffee section, to better differentiate between, say, a traditional and a latte macchiato, or between a cortado and an Americano (the difference: the extent to which the espresso is cut - Americano being a term of derision for Americans who can't stomach a good espresso and need it really watered down).But then I spent fifteen minutes figuring out the different ways of linking to wiktionary from wikipedia articles; if wikipedia is going to be the zocalo for our knowledge in the 21st century it's going to need to become easier to use.